Song Ci 2020

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Song Ci

Song Ci

"There are frequent disasters in Linglong Town, and rumors have it that it's because of the dragons. Young boys and girls need to be sacrificed into the Dragon Well to feed the dragons in order to enjoy peace. The evil customs of sacrifice continued for a long time, and countless children were buried in the belly of the dragon. The cries of Linglong Town were loud, and everyone with young children at home panicked. After Xinke Jinshi solemnly served as the master clerk, he insisted on entering the Dragon Well to investigate the Dragon incident, but he did not want to be imprisoned for offending the Dragon King. "

Genre :  Mystery, History, Thriller

Director :  DIRECTOR

Actor :  Haibo Chang, Zhao Yibei, Bobby Au-Yeung, Lu Yu, Shao Yun,

Country :  China

Duration :  92m

Quality :  HD

Release :  2020

IMDb :  N/A

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